WOW! I feel like I say this every week but I LOVE THE MISSION!!! I just had an incredible week! I saw so many miracles!! I have to admit that I had my doubts to return to La Calera. I´m always looking forward to new opportunities and new experiences. I´m kind of a huge fan of change! So I was a little hesitant to go back to La Calera. My first day was pretty rough to see what had changed while I was gone. My favorite familias and both of my baptismos had moved out of the area. And my very first day, we went to a ward party and I definitely know who missed me and who didn´t. It was a bittersweet moment. But you know what i learned this week: I can choose to look at the problems and bad things, or I could look for solutions and for all the great things. Needless to say, I chose the latter. I came prepared with a ton of goals and plans and I put them in practice. And I was blessed to see the miracles that happen immediately. And there was a ton of miracles so I think I´m just going to list them off!
- Most popular phrase of the week - ¨Wow! You are a new person!¨
- I recieved two packages from Mom, so we had Christmas on June 25. (Because it´s really cold and it´s the 6 month mark of christmas. Yep, i know i´m clever) so we put up a tree and presents and decorations and hot chocolate and cinnoman rolls and christmas music and a nativity and read the Christmas story in Luke. It was pretty much Amazing! I´ll try to send photos soon!
- After a month of only three lunches with members, we have four lunches this week!
- We passed by some members that haven´t gone to church for a few months and some of them came!!! And a good story with that. So we passed by la familia Loyola who haven´t gone to church in a long time. We invited them and testified of the importante of church and promised them that they would recieve blessings if they went. They were a little hesitant and told us that they might be preparing for the soccer game of Argentina. (The World Cup is reall HUGE here! Bigger than the superbowl, World series, and NBA all put together!) So i promised them that if they went to church, Argentina would win. I honestly was trying to follow the Spirit on this one. But ya, so they went and guess what?! Argentina WON!!! Just another example that Heavenly Father fulfills his promises!
- We had eight investigators in the Church!!! Some members brought friends, one of my old investigadores, and one of our investigadores that we challenged to be baptized this last week!
- We tripled the numbers of: lessons taught, members that helped us, people we talked to, members in the church, investigadores in the church, people that have a baptismo date, and new investigadores. We tripled the numbers from the week before. I am way tired but very happy!
I really feel so blessed and excited to be in La Calera with Hna. Widmer again. We are going to do miracles. I feel so blessed to be an instrument in the Lord´s hands. I can feel him giving me the confidence and the means to share His powerful message. I love you all and remember that Miracles Happen!
Les amo,
Hna. Ellsworth
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